Saturday, December 1, 2012

795F AC Off-Highway Truck : Electronic Control Module (Motor)

Electronic Control Module (Motor)

Location of each motor control ECM in the top right-hand Inverter Cabinet compartment (when facing the cabinet).
(1) Interface Module 2
(2) Motor 2 ECM
(3) Interface Module 1(4) Motor 1 ECM

ECM Connectors and Contacts
Electronic control of the Electric Drivetrain System is provided by three Electronic Control Modules (ECM). The three electronic control modules are the Drivetrain ECM, the Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM.
The Drivetrain ECM is the primary control module in the system. The operation of the two motor control modules will be enabled or disabled by the Drivetrain ECM. The Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM receive operational commands from the Drivetrain ECM to control the operation of the left-hand and the right-hand traction motors.
While the three control modules look physically the same, the Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM are identical A4:P1 model electronic control modules. The A4:P1 control modules are equipped with different input circuit assignments and different output circuit assignments when compared to the Drivetrain ECM A4:M1.
The two motor control ECMs use the same identical software. When each motor control ECM is connected to the machine harness connectors, the hard wired location codes enable the software in the ECM to determine which traction motor will be controlled. Based on the location codes, the correct software parameters will be used for control of either Traction Motor 1 or Traction Motor 2.
Since the same operating software is used for each motor control ECM, the Motor 1 ECM can be switched with the Motor 2 ECM without loading software. Switching the ECMs will eliminate a specific motor control ECM as a cause of a system problem.
Note: While the Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM can be switched with each other, do not switch either motor control ECM with the Drivetrain ECM. The Drivetrain ECM is a different model control module that uses different operating software.
The main function of each motor control ECM is to monitor and control the operation of the traction motors. Each ECM will use the phase module power transistors in the Inverter Cabinet to invert the DC Power Bus voltage to the variable AC power supply voltage that is used to power one of the traction motors.
For more detailed information on how each motor control ECM controls the operation of the traction motors, refer to the Systems Operation, "Electric Drive System" section in this manual.

ECM Pull Up Voltage

In order to aid in diagnostics of certain types of electrical circuits that are controlled by the A4:P1 motor control ECM, an internal "pull up resister" is connected between some types of ECM sensor signal input circuits and an above normal voltage source.
During normal operation, the sensor signal will hold the circuit low or at a certain signal amplitude, however, circuit conditions such as a loss of power to the component, a disconnection, or an open circuit will allow the circuit voltage to be pulled high through the ECM pull up resister. The result will be an above normal voltage condition at the ECM contact. As a result, the ECM will activate an FMI 03 (voltage above normal) diagnostic code for the affected circuit.
The types of motor control ECM input circuits that have pull up voltage present are:

  • Switch to ground switch input circuits
  • Passive analog (resistance) input signal circuits
The ECM pull up resister voltage should always be considered when troubleshooting one of the circuit types that are listed.

Inputs and Outputs

The A4:P1 motor control ECM has the following types of inputs and outputs on the J1 connector:

  • Differential speed sensor inputs
  • Resistance inputs
  • Switch to ground inputs
  • ECM ground inputs
  • Hall effect inputs
  • Sinking driver outputs
  • 12 VDC sensor power supply outputs
  • CAN data link circuits
  • CAT data link circuits
The A4:P1 motor control ECM has the following types of inputs and outputs on the J2 connector:

  • Voltage inputs
  • Power transistor feedback inputs
  • Resistance inputs
  • Power transistor driver returns
  • Power transistor drivers
  • Two (+) 15 VDC power supplies
  • Two (-) 15 VDC power supplies
  • Three (+) 24 VDC power supplies
The followings tables list the circuit assignments that are used for each motor control ECM.

ECM Circuit Connections

A module identifier (MID) is assigned to the control modules on the machine. The MID is used to identify which ECM on the machine has activated a diagnostic code or an event code. The MID is used internally and will not be displayed. The specific control module name will be used for display in the Advisor or in Cat ET.
The MID for the Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM is:
Motor 1 ECM - MID 169
Motor 2 ECM - MID 170
Note: Contact connections that are not listed are not used on the machines that are covered in this manual.
Table 1
Motor 1 ECM - J1 Connections
MID - 169    
No. (1)   Function    Type    
1    Key Switch On    Key Switch Input    
2    Motor 1 Speed Sensor Signal A    Frequency Input    
4    Motor 1 Speed Sensor Signal B    Frequency Input    
8    Motor 1 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistance Input (+)    
9    Motor 1 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistance Input (-)    
10    Motor 1 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistance Input (+)    
11    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor    Resistance Input (+)    
12    Motor Bearing 2 (NDE) Temperature Sensor    Resistance Input (+)    
14    Cat Data Link (+)    Data Link (+)    
16    Motor Speed Sensor Ground    Return (ECM Ground)    
19    Motor 1 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
20    Motor 1 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
21    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
22    Motor Bearing 2 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
24    Cat Data Link (-)    Input/Output Communication    
26    Retarding Contactor 1 Status    Switch to Ground Input    
27    Retarding Contactor 2 Status    Switch to Ground Input    
28    Motor 1 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
29    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
30    Motor Bearing 2 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
35    Location Code Enable    Ground Input    
38    (-) Battery    System Power    
39    (+) Battery    System Power    
41    Location Code 1    Ground Input    
43    (+) 12 VDC Sensor Supply    Power Supply    
44    PWM Communication 1 Circuit Shield    Data Link Shield    
46    (-) Battery    System Power    
47    (+) Battery    System Power    
48    Ground    System Ground    
49    Ground    System Ground    
50    Enable Feedback to Interface Module 1    ECM Ground    
51    Enable Feedback to Interface Module 1    ECM Ground    
52    PWM Communication 1 Circuit Negative    ECM Ground    
53    J1939 CAN A Data Link +    Input/Output Communication    
54    J1939 CAN A Data Link -    Input/Output Communication    
55    CAN A Shield    Data Link Shield    
56    (-) Battery    System Power    
57    + Battery    System Power    
61    Motor 1 ECM Enabled Feedback    Sinking Driver Output    
62    Retarding Contactor Pilot Relay Driver    Sinking Driver Output    
63    Interface Module 1 Enable    Sinking Driver Output    
64    Grid Blower Motor Inverter Pilot Relay Driver    Sinking Driver Output    
65    PWM Communication 1 Circuit Signal (DC Bus Voltage)    Sinking Driver Output    
66    CAN B Data Link (+)    Input/Output Communication    
67    CAN B Data Link (-)    Input/Output Communication    
68    CAN B Data Link Shield    Data Link Shield    
69    - Battery    System Power    
70    + Battery    System Power    
( 1 )The connector contacts that are not listed are not used. The connector has 70 contacts.

Table 2
Motor 1 ECM - J2 Connections
MID - 169    
No. (1)    Function    Type    
1    DCPT1 DC Power Bus Voltage Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
4    PMA1 - Phase A Positive Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
5    DCPT1 DC Power Bus Voltage Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
6    Motor 1 Phase B Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
7    Motor 1 Phase C Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
8    Phase B Current Sensor Shield    ECM Ground    
9    PMA1 - Phase A Positive Power Transistor Drive    Transistor Driver Output    
10    PMB1 - Phase B Positive Power Transistor Drive    Transistor Driver Output    
14    Motor 1 Phase A Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
15    +15 VDC Power Supply 2    Power Supply    
17    PMB1 - Phase B Power Positive Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
18    Motor 1 Phase A Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
19    Phase C Current Sensor Shield    Voltage Input    
20    PMW1 - Phase C Positive Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
24    Motor 1 Phase B Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
25    (-) 15 VDC Power Supply 2    Power Supply    
26    Diagnostic Feedback from Interface Module 1    Voltage Input    
27    PMC1 - Phase C Positive Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
28    PMA1 - Phase A Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
29    DC Power Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (-) (DCPT2)    ECM Ground    
32    Motor 1 Phase C Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
35    PMA1 - Phase A Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
36    PMB1 - Phase B Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
37    PMC1 - Phase C Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
38    Chopper Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
39    Crowbar Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
40    Chopper Current Sensor (+) (CMCT)    Voltage Input    
41    (-) 15 VDC Power Supply 1    Power Supply    
43    PMC1 - Phase B Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
48    DC Power Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (+) (DCPT2)    Voltage Input    
49    +15 VDC Power Supply 1    Power Supply    
51    PMC1 - Phase C Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
52    Contactor Current Sensor (-) (BMCT)    ECM Ground    
53    Contactor Current Sensor Shield    ECM Ground    
54    PMA1 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
55    PMB1 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
56    PMC1 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
58    Ground Fault Detection Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
59    Contactor Current Sensor (+) (BMCT)    Voltage Input    
61    Retarding Chopper Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
63    Chopper Current Sensor (-) (CMCT)    ECM Ground    
64    Chopper Current Sensor Shield    ECM Ground    
65    Sensor Return    Return (ECM Ground)    
66    Ground Fault Detection Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
67    PMA1 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
68    PMB1 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
69    PMC1 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
( 1 )The connector contacts that are not listed are not used. The connector has 70 contacts.

Table 3
Motor 2 ECM - J1 Connections
MID - 169    
No. (1)   Function    Type    
1    Key Switch On    Key Switch Input    
2    Motor 2 Speed Sensor Signal A    Frequency Input    
4    Motor 2 Speed Sensor Signal B    Frequency Input    
8    Motor 2 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistance Input (+)    
9    Motor 2 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistance Input (-)    
10    Motor 2 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistance Input (+)    
11    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor    Resistance Input (+)    
12    Motor Bearing 2 (NDE) Temperature Sensor    Resistance Input (+)    
14    Cat Data Link (+)    Data Link (+)    
16    Motor Speed Sensor Ground    Return (ECM Ground)    
19    Motor 2 Winding 1 Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
20    Motor 2 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
21    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
22    Motor Bearing 2 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 2    Resistance Input (-)    
24    Cat Data Link (-)    Input/Output Communication    
28    Motor 2 Winding 2 Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
29    Motor Bearing 1 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
30    Motor Bearing 2 (DE) Temperature Sensor Return 1    Resistance Input (-)    
35    Location Code Enable    Ground Input    
38    (-) Battery    System Power    
39    (+) Battery    System Power    
42    Location Code 2    Ground Input    
43    (+) 12 VDC Sensor Supply    Power Supply    
44    PWM Communication 2 Circuit Shield    Data Link Shield    
46    (-) Battery    System Power    
47    (+) Battery    System Power    
48    Ground    System Ground    
49    Ground    System Ground    
50    Enable Feedback to Interface Module 1    ECM Ground    
51    Enable Feedback to Interface Module 1    ECM Ground    
52    PWM Communication 2 Circuit Negative    ECM Ground    
53    J1939 CAN A Data Link +    Input/Output Communication    
54    J1939 CAN A Data Link -    Input/Output Communication    
55    CAN A Shield    Data Link Shield    
56    (-) Battery    System Power    
57    + Battery    System Power    
61    Motor 2 ECM Enabled Feedback    Sinking Driver Output    
62    Retarding Contactor Pilot Relay Driver    Sinking Driver Output    
63    Interface Module 2 Enable    Sinking Driver Output    
64    Grid Blower Motor Inverter Pilot Relay Driver    Sinking Driver Output    
65    PWM Communication 2 Circuit Signal (DC Bus Voltage   Sinking Driver Output    
66    CAN B Data Link (+)    Input/Output Communication    
67    CAN B Data Link (-)    Input/Output Communication    
68    CAN B Data Link Shield    Data Link Shield    
69    - Battery    System Power    
70    + Battery    System Power    
( 1 )The connector contacts that are not listed are not used. The connector has 70 contacts.

Table 4
Motor 2 ECM - J2 Connections
MID - 169    
No. (1)    Function    Type    
1    DC Power Bus Voltage 1 Sensor (DCPT1) (+)    Voltage Input    
3    DC Power Bus Current Sensor (+) (DCCT)    Voltage Input    
4    PMA2 - Phase A Positive Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
5    DC Power Bus Voltage 1 Sensor (DCPT1) (-)    ECM Ground    
6    Motor 2 Phase B Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
7    Motor 2 Phase C Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
8    Phase B Current Sensor Shield    ECM Ground    
9    PMA2 - Phase A Positive Power Transistor Drive    Transistor Driver Output    
10    PMB2 - Phase B Positive Power Transistor Drive    Transistor Driver Output    
14    Motor 2 Phase A Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
15    +15 VDC Power Supply 2    Power Supply    
16    Generator Phase A Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
17    PMB2 - Phase B Power Positive Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
18    Motor 2 Phase A Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
19    Phase C Current Sensor Shield    Voltage Input    
20    PMC2 - Phase C Positive Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
24    Motor 2 Phase B Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
25    (-) 15 VDC Power Supply 2    Power Supply    
26    Diagnostic Feedback from Interface Module 2    Voltage Input    
27    PMW2 - Phase C Positive Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
28    PMA2 - Phase A Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
29    DC Power Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (DCPT2 ) (-)    ECM Ground    
32    Motor 1 Phase C Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
33    Generator Phase B Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
34    Generator Phase B Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
35    PMA2 - Phase A Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
36    PMB2 - Phase B Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
37    PMC2 - Phase C Negative Power Transistor Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
39    Crowbar Driver    Transistor Driver Output    
41    (-) 15 VDC Power Supply 1    Power Supply    
42    Generator Phase C Current Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
43    PMB2 - Phase B Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
48    DC Power Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (DCPT 2) (+)    Voltage Input    
49    +15 VDC Power Supply 1    Power Supply    
51    PMC2 - Phase C Negative Power Transistor Feedback    Transistor Feedback    
53    DC Power Bus Current Sensor (DCCT) - Shield    ECM Ground    
54    PMA2 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
55    PMB2 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
56    PMC2 Temperature Sensor (-)    Resistive Sender -    
58    Ground Fault Detection Sensor (+)    Voltage Input    
64    Generator Phase A Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
65    Motor 2 Phase A Current Sensor Shield    ECM Ground    
66    Generator Phase C Current Sensor (-)    ECM Ground    
67    PMA2 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
68    PMB2 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
69    PMC2 Temperature Sensor (+)    Resistive Sender (+)    
( 1 )The connector contacts that are not listed are not used. The connector has 70 contacts.


795F AC Off-Highway Truck : Electronic Control Module (Motor) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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