The electric drive train system includes the following main components that are visible on the truck:
The main visible electric drive train system components. (1) Inverter Cabinet - houses all of the traction motor control components, system status input devices, and the Retarding Grid Blower Inverter. (2) Retarding Grid Assembly - contains the load resistor elements that are used for loading during dynamic braking and for discharging the DC Power Bus voltage. A Grid Blower Motor is used to cool the resistor elements. (3) Electric Drive Cooling Fan (not visible). Located under the chassis. The hydraulic fan is used to provide cooling airflow for the components in the Inverter Cabinet, the Generator, and the traction motors (4) Generator - when the Engine is operating, the Generator supplies three phase AC voltages to the Inverter Cabinet. (5) Traction Motor 1 - contained inside of the rear axle housing and controlled by the Motor 1 ECM.(6) Traction Motor 2 - contained inside of the rear axle housing and controlled by the Motor 2 ECM. |
Inverter Cabinet Components
Note: The two top compartments on the front of the Inverter Cabinet contain low voltage control components. All of the other compartments in the cabinet contain high voltage components. The "Electrical Shutdown and Voltage Discharge" procedure must be performed before any of the high voltage compartments are entered. Refer to the Troubleshooting, "Electrical Shutdown and Voltage Discharge" section of this manual in order to perform this procedure.Systems components that are present in the front compartments of the Inverter Cabinet (7) Bulk capacitors. The bulk capacitors are supplied system power by the interface modules. the capacitors are in place to provide a three second emergency power supply for the ECMs. This power supply will allow a stable phase module shutdown if the system power is interrupted. This compartment is a low voltage compartment. (8) Terminal blocks - used for connections to the voltage sensors, current sensors, and the system control 24 VAC circuits. The cabinet ground block and the RGBI pilot relay are located on the floor of this compartment in front of the terminal blocks. (9) Interface Module 2 - used between the Motor 2 ECM and the phase modules for the Traction Motor 2. The interface modules are used for conversion and isolation of the copper transistor driver and feedback circuits to fiber optic circuits. Also used for isolation of the phase module power AC power supply circuits. This compartment is a low voltage compartment. (10) Motor 2 ECM - monitors and controls the operation of the Traction Motor 2. (11) Interface Module 1 - used between the Motor 1 ECM and the phase modules for the Traction Motor 1. The interface modules are used for conversion and isolation of the copper transistor driver and feedback circuits to fiber optic circuits. Also used for isolation of the phase module power AC power supply circuits. (12) Motor 1 ECM - monitors and controls the operation of the Traction Motor 1. (13) PMA2 - Motor 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2 phase A power circuit. (14) PMB2 - Motor 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2 phase B power circuit. (15) PMA1 - Motor 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1 phase A power circuit. (16) PMB1 - Motor 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1 phase B power circuit. (17) Retarding Contactors 1 and 2 - used to switch the DC Power Bus through the retarding grid 2 resistors. (18) DC Power Bus Capacitor - provides a part of the total DC Power Bus system capacitance that helps to supply a stable DC bus voltage. (19) PMC2 - Motor 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2 phase C power circuit. (20) Retarder Chopper Module. Motor 2 ECM controls the operation of Chopper Module. The ECM uses the chopper to modulate DC bus voltage through the chopper grid 1 resistor elements. Used to help control the voltage level of the DC bus, add dynamic load during retarding and discharge the bus when required. (21) PMC1 - Motor 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1 phase C power circuit. (22) Connection compartment for the retarding grid system circuits. Also contains the chopper current sensor (CMCT). This sensor is used to monitor the current that is present in the chopper grid resistor circuits from the Chopper Module and the Crowbar. (23) Connection compartment for the Generator three phase cables and traction motor cable to bus bar connections. The Generator and the motor phase current sensors are located in this compartment. (24) Compartment that contains the Pressurization Filter. This filter is used to filter the air that is used to create the positive air pressure in the cabinet. (25) Crowbar tray compartment. (25a) DC Bus Voltage 1 Sensor (DCPT 1). (25b) Ground Fault Detection Sensor. (25c) Crowbar Assembly. (25d) Ground Fault Shunt Resistor.(25e) Ground Fault Capacitor |
Systems components that are present in the rear sections of the Inverter Cabinet (26) Inverter active resistors - used for the inverter active lamp voltage drop circuits. (27) Discharge resistor assembly - used in the voltage divider circuits in the ground fault detection circuit and for a DC voltage discharge path from the positive DC bus to the negative DC bus. (28) Retarding Grid Blower Inverter (RGBI) - self contained inverter that creates the three phases of AC voltage that is used to power the Grid Blower Motor. (29) Traction Rectifier 2 - used to create the negative side voltage of the DC Power Bus from the three phase AC Generator output. (30) Traction Rectifier 1 - used to create the positive side voltage of the DC Power Bus from the three phase AC Generator output. (31) Retarding Grid Blower Inverter Capacitor - used as a suppression device to suppress high voltage spikes in the RGBI DC power supply circuits. (32) Contactor current sensor (BMCT) that is used to monitor the electrical current that is passing through the closed retarding contactor circuit. (33) DC bus current sensor (DCCT) that is used to monitor the electrical current that is present in the DC Power Bus.(34) DC Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (DCPT 2) voltage sensor that is used to measure the voltage of the DC Power Bus. |
Electronic Control Modules
Locations of the electric drive train system control modules and other system control modules - upper photo: cab front ECM compartment - lower photo: top right hand low voltage Inverter Cabinet compartment (35) Drivetrain ECM (36) Chassis ECM (37) Brake ECM (38) Motor 2 ECM(39) Motor 1 ECM |
The Drivetrain ECM is located in the cab front ECM compartment. The two motor control modules are located in the Inverter Cabinet.
The Drivetrain ECM is the primary control module for the operation of the Electric Drive System. The Drivetrain ECM controls the following machine operations:
- Sends and receives operational communication with the Motor 1 ECM and the Motor 2 ECM on the CAN B Data Link circuits and the CAN A Data Link circuits.
- Sends and receives communication information with the other machine control modules on the CAN A Data Link circuits.
- Enables and controls the operation of the Generator and the DC Power Bus voltage level based on system demands and conditions.
- Enables and exercises overall control of the speed and the direction of each of the rear wheel sets. Torque commands are sent to each motor control ECM based on input signals from the operator controls, the position of the steering cylinder and based on drive train system feedback.
- Controls the speed of the Engine using Cat Data Link communication with the Engine ECM and by controlling the Generator load. The Drivetrain ECM receives input information from the shift control lever position, the accelerator pedal position, the speed of the traction motors and other system conditions.
- Controls the operation of the hydraulic electric drive system cooling fan based on the speed of the Engine.
- Sends and receives operational data to and from the Drivetrain ECM on the CAN B Data Link circuits and the CAN A Data Link circuits.
- Creates and regulates the three phases of AC power that are sent to the left-hand Traction Motor 1 based on the torque commands that are received from the Drivetrain ECM. The Motor 1 ECM also monitors the motor speed status, the current of each of the three phases and the voltage of the DC Power Bus.
- Monitors the operating temperature of the Traction Motor 1 windings and bearings.
- Enables the Interface Module 1 operation and enables the Interface Module 2 operation.
- Regulates and monitors the operation of the retarding contactors that are used during retarding and the discharging of the DC Power Bus when required.
- Regulates and monitors the operation of the Chopper Module in order to control the voltage level of DC Power Bus, control the retarding function, and discharge the DC bus when required.
- Controls the operation of the grid blower inverter pilot relay in order to reset the Retarding Grid Blower Inverter when required.
- Monitors the input status from the DC Bus Voltage 1 Sensor (DCPT 1) and from the DC Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (DCPT 2) DC Power Bus voltage sensors.
- Monitors the input status from the Ground Fault Detection Sensor.
- Will send a request to activate the Crowbar to the Motor 2 ECM in order to discharge the DC Power Bus immediately when required.
- Sends and receives operational data to and from the Drivetrain ECM on the CAN B Data Link circuits and the CAN A Data Link circuits.
- Creates and regulates the three phases of AC power that are sent to the right-hand Traction Motor 2 based on the torque commands that are received from the Drivetrain ECM. The Motor 2 ECM also monitors the motor speed status, the current of each of the three phases and the voltage of the DC Power Bus.
- Monitors the operating temperature of the Traction Motor 2 windings and bearings.
- Enables the Interface Module 2 operation.
- Controls and monitors the operation of the Crowbar in order to discharge the DC Power Bus immediately if required.
- Monitors the input status from the DC Bus Voltage 1 Sensor (DCPT 1) and from the DC Bus Voltage 2 Sensor (DCPT 2) DC Power Bus voltage sensors.
- Monitors the input status from the Ground Fault Detection Sensor.
See You Soon!!!
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