Friday, November 30, 2012


VIMS is a powerful tool for machine management that provides service personnel and equipment managers information on a wide range of vital machine functions. VIMS generates information necessary to maximize component life, reduce catastrophic failures, minimize unscheduled downtime, and improve asset management.
VIMS transforms key sensor data into easy to view information in seven different categories: event list, snapshots, data loggers, trends, cumulatives, histograms, and payload information where applicable. This information is obtained at the machine or wirelessly, and further processed using software such as VIMSpc or MineStar™.
VIMSpc 2011 creates useful reports and charts to help supervisors and managers understand both individual and fl eet equipment utilization and performance statistics. Historical reports in the forms of histograms and trends highlight changes in machine systems that help identify abnormal conditions that could lead to unplanned machine downtime. This allows a more orderly and proactive investigation into a potential issue that can rectifi ed early, ideally preventing a costly failure. Event reports, snapshots and data loggers help in diagnosing and troubleshooting problems. VIMS includes a 60 minute continuous data logger, making the latest information always available for failure analysis or performance monitoring.

Key Benefits
• Improved preventative maintenance
• Reduced downtime
• Off-board computer analysis of machine and fl eet information
• Increased production effi ciency
• Improved information access
• Detailed diagnostic and performance history
• Identify locations where machine issues occur (with PL121SR and Satellite coverage).
VIMS includes the following:
• Event List
• Event Recorders (Snapshots)
• Data Loggers
• Trends
• Cumulative Data
• Histograms
• Payload
Event List records up to 500 events and system diagnostics that occur during operation, as provided
by the other machine ECMs. The events and diagnostics are the same as shown on Advisor in the
Cab, or registered by Product Link. It puts each event into context, identifying the EID, maximum
value, when it occurred, how long it lasted, affected component and/or system, as well as
seriousness of the event (Category 1, 2, or 3 [most serious]).
A sample VIMSpc report of a typical Event Chronological List is shown below.

Event Recorder takes a “snapshot” of each available parameter, each second, for fi ve minutes prior as well as one minute after a critical event. It can also be set by the operator using Advisor. This feature is useful for collecting data, troubleshooting and diagnosing unpredictable problems. 
Data Loggers also record each available parameter, but for a longer time than snapshots. The continuous data logger is always running and logs the last hour of operation. Another data logger exists that can be activated by the operator via the Advisor screen or with VIMSpc, for up to thirty minutes. Data loggers are useful for predicting, preventing, and troubleshooting problems. The data can be viewed in a tabular or a “strip chart” format. 
Data Logger Sample Output
VIMS transforms data into useful information for understanding machine operation and changing machine health conditions. 

Prognostic File Types
Prognostic fi le types include Trends, Histograms and Cumulatives. These three fi le types produce different kinds of reports that can help forecast what’s to come.

Trends display values (minimum, maximum, average) for specifi c parameters or systems, providing  insight in changing conditions over time. For example, an oil pressure trend could be sampled only when the engine is warm, and engine speed is high, resulting in a normally fl at trend. A slope would indicate a potential issue, typical of a fi lter plugging. The trends feature is considered by many to be one of the highest value tools within VIMS. 
The following graphic shows the types of trends available.

Histograms show the percentage of time a parameter’s value is in a specifi ed range and documents the history of a parameter over the life of the machine. They also shed light on machine health, maintenance practices, site conditions and machine performance.
The following shows Histograms available and a sample histogram

Cumulatives show accumulated time or amounts of important indicators used for estimating both machine condition and operator performance.

G series trucks include valuable health information for improving component life, if monitored properly. Filter bypass information allows early detection of plugging fi lters, which if rectifi ed soon, prevents additional wear due to debris bypassing fi lters and causing rapid wear. Research has shown that plugging fi lters also release debris into the fl uid stream due to increased pressure drop across the fi lter media. Timely fi lter changes can dramatically increase component life. And exhaust temperature information has been added on all machines for earlier detection of combustion anomalies that can avoid catastrophic failures or ineffi cient operation with weak injectors. Machine health information has increasing value as hours accumulate, and can allow extended fi lter change intervals as well as extended machine life.

VIMSpc 2011
VIMSpc 2011 is downloading and analysis tool for VIMS equipped machines. VIMSpc is designed to assist in the evaluation and management of machine health, performance, and productivity. Information reported by VIMS provides service personnel with a broad overview of operator, machine and fl eet performance and health. Checked at regular intervals, VIMS information enables service personnel to quickly view a history of past problems, predict potential problems, expedite troubleshooting, or schedule proactive maintenance. This means less repair time, increased machine availability and extended machine life – while reducing overall cost and keeping the machine productive. Using VIMSpc, Operations Analysts can better optimize site  productivity and spot production bottlenecks.
The most effi cient means of monitoring machines, especially fl eets, is wirelessly. VIMS has new interfaces to wireless broadband radios and cell modems, and software to automatically send information to a specifi c ftp site, where fi les can be then loaded into VIMSpc for analysis. Value Summary
For Maintenance – VIMS stores information for future analysis. This information gives maintenance personnel a broad overview of operator and machine performance, allowing them to expedite the maintenance and troubleshooting process. VIMS gives maintenance technicians the data necessary to maximize component life, reduce catastrophic failures, minimize unscheduled downtime and improve a site’s management of assets. Event records provide maintenance personnel with vital information that allows a machine’s repair needs to be reviewed prior to scheduled preventative maintenance, reducing downtime signifi cantly. By analyzing trends and identifying problems before failure, maintenance personnel can more accurately plan machine maintenance and resources. 
VIMS offers maintenance managers greater control over fleet management, improving overall machine availability and productivity.

For Production – Production managers have access to reports that can be used as the basis for more intelligent analysis and more informed decision-making. VIMSpc reports can identify areas for improvement in repair planning, operator training, site planning, machine health and personnel performance. By studying payload data, utilization, machine availability and fuel data, a production manager can determine equipment usage, future machine requirements, personnel performance
and productivity levels.

See You Soon!!!


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