Monday, August 6, 2012

Cassoday Ks. first sunday every month.

Front and Center every time , amongst a sea of non-descript like new Harley's (yawn).Saw only a coupla ironhead sportsters in the crowd. Not even a old shovel in the mix. Didn't even bother borin' ya'll with a pic of all the shiney and new Harley's , Victory's and under warrenty-whatnot's.
" Wow, you guys rode those all the way from Wichita ? " everyone knows that old jap-0-nese bikes are crap and unreliable. " Are'ntcha afraid it'll break down ? "......." Is'nt it a pain to keep all 4 of those carbs in tune ? "
Only other inline four jap bike that we saw.
A XS streettracker run'n big Mikuni's , and vintage beemer standin' proud...
2 strokes we love.
KK#38 and Cleo's oughta Cottonwood Falls , coupla flattrackers chew'n fat. Cleo's rode the XS streetracker there, Cool Cat he is.

Scenic view point and bike check-up. Shakedown in progress.

Ford tractor signage in Cottonwood Falls,KS
Full Throttle Fun in the Sun.

That GoldWing is get'n better with every shakedown , lotsa SMOOOTH power to spare.
 " GO ON GET "

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