Friday, April 16, 2010

Spit on You

Riders are not required to wear helmet if you are over 18 in Kansas. I own a helmet but not a fullface. so I could spit if I want to while I ride. A guy from The Nobody Motorcycle Club has developed the Snot Gun Helmet for those who like to wear a fullface and need to spit often.

"You simply turn on the accelerator via a toggle switch then spit into the collector mouth piece. The snot is shot out a tube on the back on your helmet. It clears your bike and lands about 8 feet back, depending on your speed and wind direction. "

The 12 volt system is attached to the helmet without harming the integrity of the met shell. I bet wind drag would be bit harsh on highway, though...The inventor is "also foresee developing a Snot Gun Assault. This system would allow a biker to take aim on a rude, aggressive automobile driver. " That I could use.

I can spit at smokers who hit me with cigarette butts. Don't be litterbug, people.

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