Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Request by Mitch 3

5 dangerous things that kids should do

Note to myself...

I believe the warning signs are for prevention from getting sued; not really for concern of safety. This country has produced many millionaires by suing manufacturing companies.

Some kids probably lose fingers, an eye or lots of scars during the practice, but that is part of learning process and they probably deserve to lose what they lost. I deserved to have all the scars, cuts, and broken bones I got when I was a child.

I would add fighting on there. Kids who don't know how to fight usually gets hurt real bad or don't know when to stop; ended up killing the opponent.

via Flailings

Thanks for post'n Moto...i'm not savy to post'n video yet(even though you explained it to me)

I gotta teenage daughter,who while grow'n up around the garage,glean'd sum know-how skills
but never really took a shine to make'n an doin',
i speculate alot of that is due to an over-protective mom,
my daughters contentment to sit quietly in front of a moniter(tv-computer-cell phone),
an me giving
in to easily when the whining begins-"dad,i'm bored,tired,hungry,dirty,etc."
I just was to busy/impatient to gently lead her down that road to
"how to git it done/while have'n fun"
She's 16 now,and of course wants a car,i fell into a 74' VW westfalia bus,rust free,a few dents,but wit good motor that needs minumum amount of TLC,a good starter car for a Hard work'n teenager,she was motivated one sunny sunday to begin work'n on said project,i jumped in with her an while she vacuum'd mice turds an clean'n windows,i tinkered with the powerplant an got that ol' bus run'n,we jumped inside took her for banzia runs around the nieghborhood,diagnose'n what we need'd to git that bus road worthy,...rebuild carbs,go over brakes,electrical patch'n,new tires fer starters,but overall a helluva solid(an kool)vehicle for a teenager to "cut their teeth on"
i was think'n bout then"Good job,Dad-maybe she'll git excited an see the benefits of a lil' elbow action"it was a good dad/daughter day.........

then come's along the boyfriend.
now this is where i begin to make my point,this 19 year old BOY,still lives wit his mommy in a trailer,lost his job at the fast food joint ,does not have a car,makes pocket change set'n up shows at the coliseum(one step away from bein a "carny")has no interest/hobby's,smokes dope,slouch's and yawns constantly,i have seen his future and it is bleak.he wreaks of stagnation.

i began taking stock of my daughters other friends who hang/lounge around our home,they all were the same as her boyfriend-lazy,shiftless,slobs who have no interest/hobbys.(unless you count shoplifting as a hobby)
where did i go wrong?
i think the answer partly lies in letting kids have a degree of freedom in their formative years,exploring and find'n joy and contentment in make'n and create'n.
work can be fun/rewarding.
so i began wonder'n what could i do to git my daughter back on track(at least on the BUS project)all she wanted to do was hang around the boyfriend,so i figured git the boyfriend to work around the garage,maybe daughter will git busy agian.
I pick'd up sum large wooden doors to replace an ol' steel garage door,they need'd strip'n down to bare wood,heat gun an a scraper action all the way,monkey werk,i offer a job to the boy(10$ an hr)take about 2 hrs to strip a door,there are 4 of'em.
figured it dont git much easier than that,gimme a chance to know the feller a bit better,git a tedious job oughta the way,git my daughter back in garage/on track.


The boy is scared of work.My daughter stripped doors while he stood around YAWN'n an taken smoke breaks.of course he grew bored an convinced my daughter to split an go "hang".
my patience has been put to the test.
i blame myself,i blame this boy's upbring'n which is commonplace today,i blame this overly-protective society that is producing a buncha sissy's and non-contributing ZERO"S.
what can i do to change this situation?at least in my lil' corner of the world.
the VW bus sits idle in the showroom.a constant reminder of how mess'd up things have become for my daughter an her ilk.
i am in search of a solution.this video is enlightning.

feller i used to know once said "kids are like waffles,you usually burn the first one"

Request by Mitch 3 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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